Varun Desai


Artist Image

Image Credit - India Art Fair

The gifted Varun Desai, an artist who works in a variety of media, from electronic music production and engineering to creative coding and installation art, declares that "we are moving towards a new digital reality." Varun's ultimate goal is to expose the sound waves, pixels, and voxels that make up digital and physical space in order to give us a "look into the architecture of the world we are entering into and make people familiar with what is underneath" the technological mesh that we are already living in. He does this with an extraordinary mind and a deftness for all things hardware and software.

Varun believes it is his obligation and role to contextualise what we take for granted. He continues, “Something might look normal, but can become extraordinary and leave a profound effect on us when observed with intent,”.

In the artist's most recent solo exhibition, Spectre, for instance, he exposes the hidden world of audio and electromagnetic waves that are all around us by inviting the viewer to walk into immersive environments. For instance, one room might amplify the constant radiations from the viewer's mobile phone to create loud discordant noise, while another might reflect back the viewer's face to them but fragmented by a grid. A hyperawareness of everything happening inside even the most commonplace objects and entities—including our own bodies—is the result.
